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Exploring Facebook Ads: 8 Ad Formats to Capture Leads 
8-minute read
In today’s increasingly digital world, marketers who don’t leverage the power of social media will miss out. At the heart of this phenomenon is Facebook, the largest social network globally, boasting roughly 2.89 billion monthly active users.

Running Facebook ads, when done right, can be hugely beneficial and effective. If you want to get the best results, however, you’ll need to understand the different ad formats available. We’ve broken it down for you in a simple, digestible guide. Here’s a sneak peek:

  • Types of Ad Formats  
  • Single Image Ads  
  • Single Video Ads  
  • Carousel Ads  
  • Collection Ads
  • Instant Experience Ads  
  • Messenger Ads  
  • Story Ads  
  • Dynamic Ads
What are the Different Types of Ad Formats?
The ad formats you can use depend on your advertising objective.

Your objective can also affect the placements where your ads can appear i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network. 

Single Image Ads
Image ads are the most simple and versatile ad format on Facebook. They can be optimised to serve any objective and they are easy to create.
  • Feed 
  • Right column (desktop only) 
  • Instant Experience 
  • In-stream video (within videos people are watching) 
  • Marketplace 
  • Stories 
  • Search Results 
Best practices 
Show people using your product 

Facebook ads run in people’s feeds right next to posts from their family and friends. To make ads that feel like a familiar part of someone’s social fabric, show images of people benefiting from the product – rather than the product itself.

Less text is more 

Too much copy can be distracting and lead to less people engaging with your ad.

Have a single focal point

Ensure that you are only asking people to look at one thing. If you want to include multiple things in one image, carousels or collections would be a better choice.

Maintain visual consistency

If running multiple ad sets in a single campaign, make sure all your images have a consistent theme and tie together. People will recognise your ad more easily and stop to see what you have to say.

Experiment with visuals

Play with different images and formats and preview how the ad will look before you run it. 

Single Video Ads 
Video ads offer the versatility of image ads with the added benefit of being more captivating through using audio and motion. Videos can range from short ads intended for watching on-the-go, to longer videos that viewers can watch at home.
  • Feed 
  • Instant Experience 
  • In-stream video 
  • Marketplace 
  • Stories 
  • Search results
Best practices 
Keep videos short 

While Facebook does support videos up to 240 minutes, long videos are not recommended for ads. It’s more likely your audience will watch your video until the end if it is 15 seconds or less.

Capture attention quickly 

Put the most compelling part of your video within the first three seconds to grab the audience’s attention.

Use vertical or square video 

People hold their phone vertically 90% of the time. Using a square or vertical video will ensure your video covers the most screen area and engage your audience.

Feature product or brand message early 

This way if people don’t watch your video until the end, you will have conveyed your message before they click away.

Design videos for users with sound off 

Many people watch videos in public places and do not have their sound on. Use text, graphics, and captions whenever possible. 

Carousel Ads 
Carousels feature up to 10 images within a single ad. They are designed for the audience to swipe through at their own pace. Facebook can optimise the order of the images based on their performance; however, this feature should not be turned on when using carousels to tell a sequential story.

This ad type is excellent when you want to

  • Show multiple products
  • Highlight the features of a single product
  • Tell a compelling story
  • Explain a process
  • Locations
  • Feed
  • Right column
  • Instant Experience
  • In-stream video
  • Marketplace
  • Stories
  • Search Results
  • Messenger inbox 
Best practices 
Use all the available components 

Images and videos grab attention, but headlines, descriptions and call-to-action buttons give context, detail and direction.

Be cohesive 

Use images or videos that feel similar to one another.

Provide a variety of links 

Each carousel card can be linked to a different landing page, this optimisation feature is best used when not telling a story. 

Collection Ads 
Collection ads use a lead image or video to capture attention with supporting images in a grid layout below. Users who tap on a collection ad will enter an Instant Experience. 
  • Instant storefront – display your product catalogue so people can browse them in one place 

  • Instant look book – show your products in action

  • Instant customer acquisition – drive conversions on your landing page 

  • Instant storytelling – give people an engaging way to explore your business 
  • Feed
  • Marketplace 
Best practices 
Use an attention-grabbing cover image or video 

This will encourage people to stop and click on your ad.

Allow Facebook to dynamically select which products are shown 

Facebook will rank the products based on popularity and likelihood to purchase.

Use a large product set 

This allows Facebook to select the most relevant products to show.

Instant Experience Ads 
Instant Experience (IX) is a mobile only, full-screen experience that can be opened by someone tapping an ad on their device. You can choose to optimise carousel, image, and video ads as an IX, while collection ads can only be optimised as an IX. The key difference between IX’s and traditional image, video and carousel ads is that when users tap on an IX, they are immersed into a full-screen experience.

Where you can place an IX is dependent on its format. See below. 

Placement Single Image or Video Carousel Collection
Search Results
Quicker loading time 

Instant experience ads load 15x faster than a mobile landing page, meaning people are less likely to click away.

Keeps user engaged for longer

Allowing people to interact with your content in an immersive experience leads to longer engagement time.

You can convert users within the app 

Using instant forms, you can generate leads by having people fill out their information within the app, so they don’t have to navigate away from Facebook.

Messenger Ads
Image and carousel ads can be optimised to appear in users’ Messenger inbox. Messenger ads provide a more personal approach to generate leads, increase sales, and answer questions. They work just like ads across other Facebook platforms; ads will be automatically delivered to the placement most likely to drive results at the lowest possible cost. 
Reach more people 

1.3 billion people use Messenger every month. Messenger users do not need a Facebook account therefore you can reach people who you otherwise wouldn’t.

Messenger marketing leads to a 70% better open rate than email marketing.

Start conversations 

People can ask questions directly within the Messenger ad and you can tailor your interactions individually to meet their individual needs.

Retarget customers

With sponsored messages, you can send highly targeted promotions to people that have already interacted with your business on Messenger. 

Story Ads 
Image, video, and carousel ads can be optimised to appear in Facebook and Messenger Stories. Stories are where people share and discover content in fast and fun ways. Story use is growing across all platforms. 
Reach more people 

300 million people use Facebook and Messenger Stories everyday.

Increase engagement 

Stories are full screen and immersive.

Increase interest 

By meeting people with content that matches what they are watching and how they are watching it, Story Ads give you a place to share your business message with an already engaged audience.

Inspire action 

58% of people said they browsed a brands website after seeing a Story.

Dynamic Ads 
Dynamic ads offer a unique way of serving ads to your audience. They enable you to show personalised ads to your audience. Dynamic ads look exactly like other single image ads, carousel ads or collection ads. The only difference is that you won’t need to individually create an ad for every item you promote. An ad template will do the job for you, allowing Facebook to automatically use images and details from your catalogue.
How does it work? 
Machine learning is typically used to automatically deliver relevant services or offerings to people based on their interests, intent and actions. Facebook helps track website visitors and the actions they take. This information will then be used by Facebook to serve personalised ads to people who have shown interest on your website.

Just keep in mind that Dynamic ads are only ideal if you have more than 10 diverse items or more than 20 similar products. Otherwise, it’s advisable to run a carousel ad instead.

  • Feeds 
  • Marketplaces 
  • Right columns 
  • Instagram feeds and stories 
  • Audience network (native, banner and interstitial) 
  • Messenger (home)
Best Practices
Target website visitors that showed intent 

It’s important to reach the right people with the best ads that match their interests. Facebook pixel can help you build an audience optimised for better engagement and conversion.

Create a healthy product catalogue

A good product catalogue is the key to a successful Dynamic ad campaign. Make sure that the products are uploaded correctly and captured correctly by the pixels on a daily basis.

Customise designs according to user intent 

A personalised visual presentation can go a long way in reaching the right audience. Make it a point to customise your Dynamic ad design according to user intent and behaviour. There are creative templates available for each product in your catalogue. Choose the ones that will make the most impact.

Be consistent with your branding and messaging 

Your Dynamic ads should retain your brand guidelines to help users easily recognise your ads. At the same time, you should keep your copy and creatives relevant to your target audience. They should be able to speak to your audience and adjust accordingly as the audience changes. 

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