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How to Make Content Marketing Magic in 2022
2-minute read
We recently read Semrush’s State of Content Marketing 2022 Global Report and took away some valuable tips to help you break through the marketing noise and turn your content strategy into a success.

Here’s a sneak peek into the report’s four key takeaways before we delve into each one:
  • Humanising and improving the quality of your content
  • Focusing on customer empathy
  • Embracing storytelling
  • Optimizing the reader experience 
“Humanising and improving the quality of your content”
When talking about quality content, you’ll often thinks of bite-sized, digestible paragraphs with pretty images and plenty of white space. But this isn’t necessarily the case. If you want to improve the quality and engagement of your content, you need to start weaving in your authentic voice along with personal stories and other elements that make your brand human. Doing this has the power to captivate your readers from beginning to end.

“Improving content quality was the #1 tactic that 55% of successful content strategies addressed in 2021, and it helped 61% of the marketers we surveyed rank better.” 

“Focusing on customer empathy” 
Personalisation is a staple in many marketing strategies. While it’s essential to create content favourable to search engines, it’s just as important to talk to your customers and appeal to their emotions. Personalising your brand messaging and marketing content can help you establish a healthy relationship with your potential customers, which can benefit you in the long run.

“Did you know that 55% of successful companies attribute personalization to growth and conversions? You might be creating content that search engines like, but never forget the face of your customer.” 

“Embracing storytelling”
SEO seems to be the holy grail of modern marketing. And we can’t talk about SEO without mentioning the keywords. But it’s 2022, and writing for a keyword is no longer a thing – at least not as big as it used to be. To write successful content in an oversaturated market, you need to understand the people you’re trying to reach. You may need to pay more attention to the topics they’re interested in, along with their wants, needs, and motivations.  
“Optimising the reader experience” 
The technical aspects can’t be overlooked when you’re creating great content. No matter how compelling your content is, if your content structure is not easy to follow, you won’t be able to win your readers’ tick of approval. You need to design your content to make it user-friendly. This means ensuring that you have a good H tag structure in place, and that your content is optimised for readability. 
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