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Six ways to A/B test your Facebook ads 
3-minute read
There is no one-size-fits-all notion when it comes to your Facebook ad campaigns. But if you want to make it successful, you need to find the right ingredients.

This is where A/B testing Facebook ads comes in. As marketers, testing your outputs is second nature.

This article covers some of the best ways to A/B test your Facebook ads. Here’s a sneak peek:  

  • Elements you can A/B test 
  • Setting up the A/B test 
  • Best Practices when A/B testing  
  • Determine and analyse the results

Your job doesn’t stop at creating and running Facebook ads. You have to test them and determine which elements will work the best when put together.

Essentially, A/B testing should run for a couple of weeks. Once the results are in, a conclusion can be made to identify the option that outperformed the others.

Here are some of the things you can A/B test: 

Compare different ad images, text or creative types. For example, you might compare the performance of a video versus an image carousel, or different ad text with the same image or video. Creative variables are managed at the ad level in Ads Manager.
Compare how effective your ads are at reaching different audiences or demographics. For example, you might add or remove certain regions for your audience or compare a Custom Audience with an interest-based audience. Audience variables are managed at the ad set level in Ads Manager.
Delivery Optimisation
Compare campaigns with and without campaign budget optimisation enabled, to measure its impact on performance
Compare placement types when reaching your audience. For example, comparing automatic placements with specifically chosen ad placements. 
Product set
Compare different product sets as configured in your Ads Manager assets. For example, choosing two different product sets to use when running product set ads on Facebook. Product set variables are managed at the ad set level in Ads Manager.
Custom variables 
Some A/B tests let you change multiple variables if you want to compare two complex strategies against each other on the same cost per result or cost per conversion lift basis. You can make changes to the campaign, ad set or ad when using multiple variables. 
Setting Up the A/B Test
A/B testing can be done in Ads Manager. You’ll need to duplicate a campaign and select the Create a Duplicate to A/B Test option. This will let you change several variables in a single test. Once that’s done, select Edits to Duplicate and click Duplicate. Presto, you can now make the changes you’d like to compare against your chosen ad campaign.

Don’t forget to click Publish to complete your test setup. You also need to Create Test to submit it for review. You will be able to check the results of your tests in Experiments once the test is finished running.  

Best Practices
Test one variable 
You’ll have more conclusive results if your ad sets are identical except for the variable that you’re testing. 
Focus on a measurable hypothesis 
For example, ‘my cost per result will be lower when I optimise for landing page views.
Use an ideal audience
The audience should be large enough to support your test and shouldn’t be used for any other Facebook campaign at the same time as this may affect the results. 
Use an ideal time frame
Seven-day tests are recommended for the most reliable results and 30 days is the recommended maximum. Tests shorter than seven days may produce inconclusive results and tests longer than 30 days may not be an efficient use of budget as the test winner can be determined sooner. 
Set an ideal budget 
Your test should have a budget that will produce enough results to confidently determine a winning strategy. Facebook provides a suggested budget. 
Run multiple tests
One test can provide valuable information, however, don’t assume that the winning variable will perform the same for each ad type (e.g., for an audience test, run the same test with a different campaign objective or test different ad creative with the winning audience).
Determining and Analysing the Results 
The winning campaign is determined by comparing the cost per result of each campaign. Your results will be emailed to you and available to view in Ads Manager. Facebook also provides a confidence level which is broken down below.

Any number of ads or ad sets – above 75% indicates the results are very clear and actionable

Two ad sets or ads tested – less than 65% means the tested variables performed similarly

Three ad sets or ads tested – less than 40% means the tested variables performed similarly

Four ad sets or ads – less than 35% means that the variables you tested performed similarly

Five ad sets or ads – less than 30% means that the variables you tested performed similarly

Wrapping it up  
A/B testing provides you with endless opportunities, letting you explore and understand your audience behaviour and preferences. This will guide your choices when you’re setting up a new ad, and help you create ads that effectively capture and convert your audience
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